UV-curing is a very fast process where the cure monitoring is extremely important for industrial applications.
Having the lagging curing area at the contact between the tool and the resin, a cure sensor installed there can greatly enlighten the development of the curing cycle, as well as, can be used for the real-time process control during production.
More information about this application can found at the paper presented in MATCOMP Conference 2013: Monitorizado del curado ultravioleta (UV) de un compuesto poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio, by I. Tena*, M. Sarrionandia, J. Aurrekoetxea, Departamento de Mecánica y Producción Industrial, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Loramendi 4, 20500 Mondragón, España, and J.Torre
Irurena S.A., Ctra. de Tolosa s/n, 20730 Azpeitia. España.
*E-mail: itena@mondragon.edu