OptiFlow system is fully optimised for composites processing providing resin arrival indication and temperature measurements at 4 channels...

OptiFlow continuously monitors the resin arrival and/or temperature providing a certified and reliable real-time resin arrival time stamp. When developing a closed mould production the resin flow patterns are barely known (or guessed). Moreover during production deviations can only be seen after demoulding when it is too late for corrections. With the new OptiFlow system it is possible and 100% accurate to sense the resin arrival and temperature in the mould during resin injection. Special sensors can be either flexible sensors for the development phase or durable sensors for production.

Advantages of the resin flow and temperature monitoring
Detect resin arrival at the sensor’s locations
Monitor viscosity changes
Identify critical processing milestones in the cycle
- minimum viscosity
- gelation
Detect unexpected events
Automate production:
- Open/close valves based on the sensors’ feedback
- Resin arrival at gates
Improve simulation accuracy:
- Cross-check the results
- Adjust the simulation parameters to match the resin arrival measurements

Resin arrival information is ideal for process automation in RTM or vacuum infusion in ovens or autoclaves. OptiFlow has a built-in microprocessor with 1 programmable relay output.
OptiFlow should be combined with the following durable and/or film disposable sensors either for process development or production automation. All resin arrival sensors (photos below) provide real-time information on the status of the sensor i.e. connected/ resin arrived/ short-circuit/gelled. The in-mould resin arrival durable sensor can be installed in the mould and can provide resin arrival information at a certain location. The in-line resin arrival sensor can provide information of the arrival of the resin inside a pipe (e.g. near or at an outlet gate) while the flexible resin arrival sensor can be placed on the bag side, in the laminate or on curved mould surfaces to monitor through-thickness flow.
The new OptiFlow takes advantage of the new version of the powerful OptiView software to store and demonstrate the recorded data in an efficient, reliable and user-friendly way and can be combined with the OptiMold system for real-time global process monitoring.
The new Optiflow in combination with the new OptiView (data acquisition software) provides:
• Capability to monitor up to 40 sensors (resin arrival and temperature)
• Capability to communicate with other real-time software at the same or other PC in the network
• Improved user interface and graphics
• Capability to integrate OptiMold systems

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