News & Events
Number of articles: 79

Synthesites to present at CIRP Conference the monitoring of Elium (R) resin

in collaboration with Arkema, ICT Fraunhofer and Aimplas

Synthesites to exhibit at SAMPE Europe Conference in Nantes

Synthesites involved in three papers with DLR, NLR, NCC and Bombardier

Synthesites to exhibit in Windblade Manufacture Conference in Germany

Synthesites to participate in new aerospace R&D H2020 project

for advanced high temperature manufacturing in aerospace

Synthesites at the 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM18)

a collaboration between Synthesites and the National Composites Centre (NCC), UK

Synthesites to contribute with 4 technical papers in the forthcoming SAMPE Europe Conference

in Stuttgart November 14 to 16, 2017

Synthesites participates in new R&D project in advanced thermoplastic composites manufacturing

Recotrans: Integrated manufacturing of REciclable hybrid metal thermoplastic COmposites for the TRANSport sector

Three new cure and resin arrival sensors were recently launched

The range of sensors is extended to cover the needs of composites manufacturing

Synthesites SNC to participate at Experience Composites 2016 in Augsburg, Germany

Flowires and Optiflow used to calculate permeability at realistic geometry RTM tool

Leading Research Centres across Europe purchase Synthesites monitoring solutions

New sales representative in Japan